quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2019

Ali baba

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Kasim e Ali Baba são irmãos.
Sua casa está em uma cidade na Arábia.
Eles não têm pai nem mãe e são muito pobres.
Muitas vezes, estão com fome e fome.
"Eu vou ser um homem rico", diz Kasim.
"Eu não quero ser pobre sempre".
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Os meninos crescem. Kasim é um bom homem, e ele logo tem uma esposa.
O nome dela é Aisha.
Ela é uma mulher rica, e Kasim compra uma loja com seu dinheiro.
Ele ganha muito dinheiro na loja.
Kasim adora dinheiro.
Ele conta seu dinheiro todas as manhãs e erevy à noite.
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Ali Baba também tem uma esposa.
O nome dela é Fatimah. Ela é linda, mas ela e Ali Baba não são ricos.
Ali Baba corta madeira na floresta.
Ele traz a madeira para a cidade em seus três burros, e ele vende para as pessoas por seus incêndios.
Ele é um homem pobre, mas ele está feliz.
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Kasim and Ali Baba are brothers.
Their home is in a town in Arabia.
They have no father and no mother, and they are very poor.
They are often cold and hungry.
“I’m going to be a rich man,” Kasim says.
“I don’t want to be poor always.”
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The boys grow up. Kasim is a fine man, and he soon has a wife.
Her name is Aisha.
She is a rich woman, and Kasim buys a shop with her money.
He gets a lot of money from the shop.
Kasim loves money.
He counts his money every morning and erevy evening.
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Ali Baba has a wife, too.
Her name is Fatimah. She is Beautiful, but she and Ali Baba aren’t rich.
Ali Baba cuts wood in the forest.
He brings the wood to town on his three donkeys, and he sells it to people for their fires.
He is a poor man, but he is happy.
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One day, Ali Baba is in the forest with his donkeys.
He hears a lot of horses.
“Be quiet,” he says to his donkeys, and he takes them behind some trees.
Then he goes up a tree.
From the tree he sees forty men on horses.
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Ali Baba watches the men from his tree.
They have a captain, and suddenly the captain says, “Stop! The cave is here”.
The men get down from their horse.
Every man takes a big, heavy bag from his horse’s back.
Then they watch their captain.
He goes to a big rock.
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He stands in front of the rock, and he says:
“open, sesame!”
The rock moves.
Ali Baba sees a door.
Behind the door there is a cave.
The forty men carry their bags into the cave.
The captain watches them.
Then he goes in and stands near the door.

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“Close, sesame!” the captain says.
Ali Baba hears him. “What’s going to happen now?” he wonders.
The rock moves again, and shuts the door of the cave.
“Who are those men?” Ali Baba wonders.
“What’s  in the bags?
What’s in the cave?
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Ali Baba is afraid.
He waits in the tree for fifteen minutes.
Then the rock moves, and the men come out of the cave.
Their captain turns to the rock and says, “Close, sesame!”
The rock moves and shuts the door.
Then the men get on their horses and go away.
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Ali Baba stays in the tree for a time.
Then he goes and stans in front of the rock.
He can’t see a door.
“Open, sesame!” he says to the rock.
The rock moves.
The door opens, and he goes into the cave.
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The cave is a thieves’ store.
It is full of gold coins, and things from rich men’s houses.
“I can’t stay here,” Ali Baba thinks.
“And I can’t take a lot.”
He carries three bags of gold coins out of the cave.
Then he says, “Close, sesame!” and the rock hides the door.
“I can come back here and get more,” Ali Baba thinks.
He puts the bags of gold coins on his donkeys, and he hides them with wood.
Then he goes home with the donkeys.
“My wife is going to be surprised,” he thinks.
Ali Baba’s wife, Fatimah, is surprised.
He tells her his story.
“Forty thieves!” she says.
“And all this gold!”
“But remember,” Ali Baba says to her.
“Don’t say anything to our friends.
Let’s hide the coins.
We can take out a small number at a time.”
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“How much money have we got?”
Ali Baba’s wife wants to know.
She starts to count the gold coins.
“One, two, three, four, five, six –“
“Stop, Fatimah!” Ali Baba says.
“You can’t count the money one coin at a time.”
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“How can I count it?” Fatimah asks.
“Go to my brother Kasim’s house.
His wife has a measure.
We can measure the gold coins with that measure.
But don’t tell Kasim or his wife about the gold coins, or the forty thieves, or the cave.
Say you want to measure rice.”
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Fatimah runs to Kasim’s house.
KAsim isn’t there, but his wife, Aisha, is at home.
“Why do you want a measure?” Aisha asks.
“I Want to measure some rice.”
“Oh, of course, “ Aisha Says. “Wait a minute.”
And she goes into her kitchen.
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“Rice?” Kasim’s wife thinks. “Ali Baba and his wife are poor.
They don’t have a lot of rice.
What are they going to measure?”
She puts a little wax under the measure.
Then she gives the measure to Fatimah.
“What am I going to see on that wax?” Aisha wonders.
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Fatimah runs home.
She and Ali Baba measure the gold coins with Aisha’s measure.
They have three boxes, and they put forty measures in a box – one hundred and twenty measures of gold coins!
“We are rich!” they say, and they are very happy.
Fatimah takes the measure back to Kasim’s house. There is one small gold coin in the wax under the measure.
Fatimah doesn’t see the coin.
Aisha sees it, but she doesn’t say anything to Fatimah about it.
“Gold coins!” Aisha thinks.
“They’re measuring gold coins!”
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Kasim Comes home from the shop.
Aisha says to him, “you think your brother is poor. Look at this!”
She has the gold coin in her hand.
“Ali Baba and Fatimah have a lot of money.
They don’t count it.
They measure it!
She tells Kasim about the wax and the gold coin in it.
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Kasim is angry. “Where does Ali Baba get that gold?” he wonders.
That night he doesn’t sleep.
He thinks about his brother and the gold, and he can’t sleep.
“Ali Baba rich?” he thinks.
“That’s not right. He’s a poor man. I am the rich man!”
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He goes to Ali Baba’s house.
“You say you are poor,” he says to his brother, “but you aren’t poor. You measure your gold with a measure.”
“How do you know that?” Ali Baba asks.
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Kasim shows the gold coin to Ali Baba.
“Aisha found this under her measure,” he says.
“Where do you get the gold? Tell me.”
“Of course I can tell you,” says Ali Baba, “and I can give you some of the money.
But don’t tell people about it.”
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Ali Baba tells his brother about the forty thieves and their cave.
In the end, he says, “Stand in front of the rock, and say: ‘Open, sesame!’ The rock moves, and the door of the cave opens.
You can go in then.
Say, ‘Close, sesame!’ and the door shuts.”
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Early the next day, Kasim goes to the forest.
He takes eight horses.
He soon finds the rock, and he stands in front of it.
“Open, sesame!” he says.
The door opens, and Kasim sees the cave.
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